Monthly Special Theme:
For The Love of Snow
Welcome to our Monthly Special Theme Sale page! All works are 15% off the listed price! Of course, this is a fundraiser so if you would like to pay full price, or even add to it, you would be welcome to do so. This months theme of “For the love of Snow”, features Susan’s paintings that have, wait for it, Snow in them! Since we are in the midst of winter we thought that would compliment the season. Most of the Handmade Frames are for pictures, but there are a couple of mirrors too, so I decided to include a few each month to accent the paintings. I will do this as long as the Handmade Frame inventory exists. There are only a few more left, so get them while still available!
We are also featuring Susan’s Custom Made, hardwood Easel. This would be a great easel for any painter, or it could be used to display your new Susan Reyes Painting! Enjoy browsing this months selection of “For the Love of Snow”!
Oil, Canvas Board
Susan loved children. When she came to Marquette, she loved the snow too, hence these wonderful winter scenes.
Oil, Canvas Board
Susan had a child like love of snow. We spent lots of time playing in the snow together. I think her Snow Series reflect her love of snow.
Oil, Canvas Board
Susan was wary of her ability to paint faces. She became very good at it in this touching snow painting.
Oil, Canvas
Climbing the Pacific coast mountains was one of Susan’s loves. This is from one of her photographic adventures.
Oil, Canvas
Susan had an eye for beauty. She truly loved God’s Creation. The majesty of which she shared in this painting.
Susan loved hearts! This beautiful frame features Marquette area driftwood and pebbles, with Pacific Ocean sea shells.
This is a sensual, organic design of a heart frame with Marquette area driftwood and Pacific Ocean sea shells.
Perhaps Susan’s finest and most complex frame with Marquette area driftwood and pebbles, Pacific Ocean sea shells, and African raffia. Truly Magnificent.